Daily Archives: August 29, 2016

This Day

I have twenty-four hours

to give to you

and be given unto

and I choose not to be alone.

Not being alone will lead to hurt and sorrow.

It always does and I feel through the gloom that may come and I reach through to the light shining and I allow the light to shine brightly today with knowing what that day might bring and without fear or trepidation.  The greater scare would be to pass by on the other side of the road, unknown and unannounced and solitary continuing on my journey with only two feet on the path.  Four is so much more comforting, two pairs of shoes indicates two brains when the weather tumbles into our lives when the rains fall swiftly and when we know we are drying each and every moment we become even more lovely and loving as I saw the day we met when the very elderly couple sat at our elbows and they looked so old and I felt so young and you were so dashing and I knew I could be that elderly, frail and close to you and I reached out my hand through the fog of the years past and pulled you in and said this must be and we are.

To My Love

eyes crinkling

you laugh

my belly tickles

as you chuckle

I behold your face beautiful in my hands and I do not need to know anything else; not where you have been not where you are going; only this moment.

smelling a lemon

standing together near the tree which bore it

marvel at the way you hold your nose as though you have never smelled a rose before there was me and I wonder how you can exist.  In months, you came through the door and captured my heart and hold it in your hands like the lemon, round and beating and how I wonder what life would have been like without you in it?

Loving is so difficult

I marvel at the moments when the sky splits open and you appear before me and we are the two in the first garden eating fruit and drinking water together and it all seems just as it was supposed to be in the first place and I wonder where you have always been until this moment when you stand before me.

I touch the bough of a tree I pulled from a mighty flooding river and feel the smooth bark and view the ragged edge where it was torn from its home and I think this is what I would feel if you were not with me any longer; torn and rent asunder and I choose to love you as I can do little else as you stand before me and the sky is above us and you speak to me and I hear your words and they are like bells to my ears, ringing softly and reminding me how good everything can be.